As many of you know i recently turned 17, this is actually quite an important birthday for me. "Why?" you ask. Well in Ninja culture, the day a N.I.T. (ninja in training) arrives at his seventeenth year he is considered a Genin, or a true Ninja. By surviving in a cruel, unfair, and often dangerous world for 17 years, one proves his worthiness of the Genin title.
I remember once an enemy ninja, skilled in the art of disguise, impersonated my mother and commenced to attack my manhood with a flying knee. Yes, you are right, i have seen and struggled through much more than the normal mortals who surround me in this life. Yet, with much humility, i act out the life of a normal teenage boy. Putting on a masquerade of schoolwork during the day, and leading large-scale decisive ninja battles by night.
My father says that no one appreciates his hard work (I appreciate you very much Dad), well think how hard working vigilante ninja (like myself) feel. We constantly put our lives on the line for you commoners, and what do we get in return? Nothing but criticism from some, and disbelief from most. Do the Ninja community a favor, next time you see a ninja, pat him on the back, give him some money (or a car, just a suggestion), and perhaps because of this small token of appreciation they will allow you to live on.

Enough on that subject, Here are some Pictures of B-day!
Oh, and because I'm sure you're dying to know, a list of some my presents! Yeah me!
- A Batman Belt buckle
- A Itunes Music Card
- 3 Cd's
- A brain teaser, puzzle thing (that i still cant figure out!)
- Some Ninja weapons
- Candy!
- An awesome book!
- Some $$$!
- A gift card to the mall!
- breakfast in bed
- Shirt and pair of pants!
- Oh and one that is especially significant: Julia "allowing" me (her very own words) to go to sadies with her!
Thank You everyone!
A ninja is forever suspicious and alert

My sister's and I attempt at capturing a picture of my grandma's smile (which still to this day has not been proven to exist). My sister tried the ninja technique of telling a joke about why seagulls are not called beagles. Unfortunately It was a failed attempt.
This is my secret sensei, i call him Sensei Clark. He is a master of disguise, even his own family does not know that he is a Ninja master!
Anyways, My birthday was awesome! So thank you everyone (especially Mom for making three bday cakes!)